Abbingdon Music Research CD-77 impressions?

Now that it's been out a little while, anyone care to post your listening impressions?
Best cd player I have ever heard. I heard it head to head against a EMM Labs trasport and DAC, and the CD-77 was better in every respect.
Lazy by nature, please bear with me if I just quote what I wrote in my system thread last week.
I have the CD-77 in my system for 4 months now and am extremely satisfied. I love its effortless, melodious and deeply saturated tonal character. It is at the same time very finely detailed, yet musically fluent. Absolutely controlled even facing the densest apocalyptical wall of sound. Fast and with very firm bass. What really made me fall for this machine, is that it is one of very few that completely lacks that subtle haze (for lack of a better word) that has irritated me with most digital gear and makes listening tiresome after a while. I had auditioned a broken-in machine and found that mine - even if it was very enjoyable from the box - needed about 60-80 hours to go about its task with the same self-evidence but I felt it continued to get better after that (improved coherence, I'd call it). There was the combined effect of further system upgrades, in particular the PS Premier, though. Btw after the initial playing with the choice of sampling filters one is given, I now firmly remain with Master II.