would I benefit getting a balanced amp (BAT 55se) - given my pre-amp is RCA output

in brief,

I have VPI turntable (RCA output) running to Manley Chinook Phono Pre (RCA output) running to Threshold FTE 9 (RCA output) running to Threshold CAS1 (RCA input) running to Klipsch Cornwall

I am interested in getting a tube amp and am looking into a BAT 55SE, which has balanced input only.

Would this be a benefit given i would not be running it 'balanced'; using a RCA to Balanced cable.



Ag insider logo xs@2xtjjunk

Don't choose your amp based on avaibility of inputs.  In your audioroom there isn't really a difference.  

That said, the BAT is a very nice amp.  I like the 6c33c tube so long as you can manage the heat.  4 of them make a LOT of heat.


If you ever do go to balanced outputs, make sure your equipment is following the AES standards. Many manufacturers add XLR input/outputs on their equipment, but some do not follow the AES standard-in which case, you don't fully get benefits of using XLR.



@gdnrbob I googled AES and it is an encription standard.  How is that applicable?  I'm sure I got the wrong AES.

Yup, the wrong AES.

Here is an article elucidating the standard-


Or, just PM Ralph Karsten (atmasphere), to get it from the best authority.
