Upgrade path question. Upgrade analog or turn to digital?

I am running a full analog rig and my beloved cartridge needs service soon (6 months about) so I am wondering if I should sell the analog rig (tt+phono+lps) and rather buy digital source. I am planning to upgrade it later if I am not going digital. 

I am satisfied playing lps, I do it when I can focus on music, but sometimes it`s tempting to have the same quality, just a button away. I can afford either the digital or the analog upgrade and I don`t have the space for both. I am thinking about two scenarios. 

Change the diamond in the Ikeda, rewire the tonearm, change the bearing, add a DS Audio ION-001, max out the VPI Classic 1. It`s sittin on a Shun Mook maple board and heavy sandbox right now, looking for a serious platform north 2000 dollars used or that money goes to the phono upgrade.
Upgrade the phono later, what I save on the digital goes here. I am hoping for a used Aries Cerat, but would be happy with other OTL solutions.

I sell the analog rig and going digital. I was thinking about to buy a streamer north 5K used and either a ESOTERIC D-02X, Aries Cerat Kassandra II, or similar. 

I am planning to upgrade the integrated amp either way, the room treatment almost done.

Or a C version,

Gryphon Diablo 120 with DAC and call it a day.





Don’t resist digital. It is inevitable. You will be assimilated.

That said, don’t give up analog. You probably have a long and memorable history with it.



I think your goals will determine your direction.  I love finding new artists and it’s my primary goal, consequently streaming…….I never knew their were so many talented groups that exist.  You won’t find them in your record collection..

If it was me, and I had a pretty decent analogue playback and a lot of LPs, I would just keep building and adding to that.

I say that because I have a pretty decent digital playback & an awful lot of CDs, and as tempting as it has been to delve into the vinyl aural orgasm that I have read so much about, I just have acquired too much aluminum, and I consider some of it to be really good.

What’s your budget?  One thing about Digital is that you can get great sound at a modest outlay.  I dislike analog and am tempted to tell you to ditch it, but the reality is that you can probably do both

I am an all digital audiophile for the following reasons:

- As a general rule I don't appreciate a lot of the classic "audiophile" music, so other than classical there isn't a lot of vinyl that is compelling to me.

- I never had a vinyl setup, so don't have any emotional attachments to them.

- I don't have sufficient space (or budget) for the components or the media.

- I rarely have opportunity to sit down and listen with two kids and a small house, so    I benefit from the easy interface of digital.  I do only listen to ripped CDs.

It's hard for me to give advice to you since don't know what sentimental attachment you have to your vinyl and associated equipment, but do appreciate the desire to making listening to music easier.

I do, however, think that it's not a great idea to get rid of your vinyl rig until you know that you're satisfied with the switch.  I think you can probably add digital as a source with some reasonably sized components.

I'd suggest that you maintain your current vinyl setup with the minimal investment and then add a digital source and see where it takes you.  You might find that it works for 95% of your listening desires and then you can be more confident in moving way from analog and chasing the digital rainbow