Denafrips Ares ii

I am considering a Denafrips Ares ii dac and have a few questions that I am hoping owners of this dac can answer.

1 What is the cost of import taxes and/or fees?

2 Is it as dimensional as a tube dac?

3 Two reviews thought the highs were edgy. What has been your experience with the treble on this dac?

My system:
Unison Research Triode 25
Audio Physics Classic 10
Bluesound Node 2i
Cambridge Audio CXC
Paradigm Seismic 10
Black Ice Audio DSD



I just picked up one used and it's sounding great.  Currently listening to it on NOS mode.

Curious if anyone has thoughts on the best input to use?

Given that the dig signal is stored in memory first b4 being processed , does it really matter if usb or coax is used?


does it really matter if usb or coax is used?

I use both; a digital RCA from my CD transport, and a USB from my streamer. Both sound very good to me, but are obviously different per the source.

Curious if you've tested digital RCA vs. USB going from your iFi Zen Stream to your Denafrips DAC?

Which cables did you use? Did you notice any difference?



initially I was only using digital rca (blue jeans cable) and I was quite happy with it .

the ZS has some filtering or purifying circuitry on the spdif output

after I got the Iris ddc I changed my setup

now I go into the Iris out of the Zen Stream via USB (Curious cable) and then out of the Iris into 2 dacs connected to 2 different amps. In one case I go out optical to my Ares ii with a nice glass cable … I also simultaneously output coax into my Border Patrol dac which feds my set amp

i feel the output of the zen stream (usb or spdif) made less of a difference in my system than the input of the Ares ii did.
I felt that the coax input into the Ares had a bit more weight than the glass input.

but now that’s a moot point since I’m using the Iris to feed both dacs as described above

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