What is the Best Sounding Stand Mount Speaker in the world?

Price no object.

Brand and Model is adequate.

If you have not listened to it,  please restrain yourself.


I raise this question because there is a maker claiming

to be the best. I am curious if it will garner votes. 

Conclusion out tomorrow!! 

Stay tuned!!!


BBC LS3/5A - Rogers, Goodman's, Chartwell, Spendor, KEF ... all produced them! They still command high resale prices - around $2K/pr. I have the Rogers. Yes, they need a sub for the bottom octave but the rest of the frequency range is so well balanced that nothing seems amiss!

In whose room with what amp? I like active speakers but if I chose passive the Focal Diablo Utopia and their custom stands.

Best I have ever heard is the Nola Micro Reference, but I bought them 9 years ago and haven't really listened to anything since then.  I'm sure that the state of the art has moved since then.