Why would a moderator remove a cable review?

I put together what I thought was thorough review of the newest Cerious Technologies line of cables and it was just removed by a moderator for:

“Content may be removed for one or more of these reasons:

  • It looked like spam
  • It was abusive towards another member
  • It depicts explicit and/or violent content
  • It contains profanity

Please make sure your submissions comply with our guidelines”

I don’t see where I violated any of the stated policy.



Some cable hater reported it to moderators. Many cable haters around. The moderator did not pay much attention and axed it

I have been on here for years and it seems politics is now getting into the Audio stream. If it doesnot fit their narrative it’s censored ,where is the freedom of the press .it’s feels like when I got suspended on Twitter for telling the truth ,

that is not right .Audiogon has now gone far left sadly , not allthe workers but

Bigtech owners which BTW are no longer Audiophiles like the original owners.

i even have my email address censored and removed when sending a private 

email to another member for information or help ,I am sure it’s happened to many others Why ? Is this happening , seems like since Biden got in office !!

@nonoise censoreship is not the favorite weapon of the left.  I don't think this is a political thing but i see the confusion.

OK, Now this thread has turned weird.

Maybe sniffed too much glue as a kid?