@ham_firl - I was going to mention the WIIM Mini Streamer. It is super easy to use and sounds pretty good. No, not as good as a multi-thousand dollar setup. But at $99 (currently on sale for $89 on Amazon) it will get you started and you can play around with streaming and decide if you want to spend more money later.
You can use free Spotify to get started. And, Radio Paradise is free and streams hi-rez FLAC.
@sheridanmartinj - If you are interested in dipping your toe into streaming and need a bit of help, please feel free to reach out to me. Would be glad to assist you getting started without investing a small fortune and with as little drama as possible. Trust me, it's not that complicated. All you need is an internet connection and a simple streamer, like the WIIM Mini (and a cable to connect it to your audio system).