Cables to settle brightness

Any suggestions on a cable brand for interconnects and power cables to settle down some brightness?

I have Wireworld at the moment which I might send back.

As I move up the food chain in my system it is getting higher resolving but the treble has gotten a bit forward for me.

I added a PS Audio PowerPlant which is greatly improved the SQ, but now the treble is a little too much. Now it might settle down with burn in, but I’m not sure.

Any suggestions?




@fittebd my old DAC was a highly modified Beresford, maxed out at 96/24 and lacked USB.  I still have it, so if I had some time, I could go from the UltraDigital to the Beresford with a coax cable.  I have enough inputs on my pre to hook both DACs up at once.  I would need a pair of decent ICs, though.  I know I really should do this, as it would tell me if it's the DAC or all the other stuff preceding it.  Yes, I have an inexpensive network switch, and no, I have not upgraded its power supply.

The Sonore will mask much of the noise generated by a generic network switch.  That is what it was designed to do.  My guess if is its really that new to you, new sound is different and takes time to adjust.  You could try just putting the old DAC back and see what happens.  not the best A/B, but you can tell if the harshness goes.  Then try different interconnects and see if that helps with new DAC

Another vote for Cardas Clear Reflection, definitely smooth and musical.

I personally use Cardas Clear Beyond IC and SC but my system is not bright.





I think you bring up a very importanr point. Ideally you want your components to sound perfect together before working on cable / interconnects. Then you choose cabling to enhance detail and maybe lower noise floor. So, you will be looking for neutral quiet wires.


This is the most important approach to really high performance audio. Get things perfectly balanced at the component level, then wires, power, room treatments, and finally vibration control. This is how you get to the very best and most cost effective sound.

I think you bring up a very importanr point. Ideally you want your components to sound perfect together before working on cable / interconnects.

exactly. If you are trying to use cables as tone controls to dull it down then you need to back up and figure out why your system is too bright to begin with.