Rock performers that play/record a different genre

Enjoyed listening to Willie and the Poor Boys last night - Bill Wyman and a group of musicians play 50’s style music. Thinking about this I guess the same could be said for Jeff Beck’s Rock and Roll Party with Imelda May, and maybe Bruce Springsteen’s Seeger Sessions (going way back to old folk music). What other artist/s have done similar alternate genre work that you enjoy?


Al Jourgensen from Ministry and his side 'country' band, Buck Satan and the 666 Shooters....

Andrew Gold (Ronstadt's 1970's guitarist) 's side project, The Fraternal Order Of The All, whose lone album---Greetings From Planet Love---is a Psychedelic music parody masterpiece.

XTC's side project, The Dukes Of Stratosphear. Two albums.

Robert Plant's The Honeydrippers. Better than Led Zeppelin ;-) .