Audio Science Review = "The better the measurement, the better the sound" philosophy

"Audiophiles are Snobs"  Youtube features an idiot!  He states, with no equivocation,  that $5,000 and $10,000 speakers sound equally good and a $500 and $5,000 integrated amp sound equally good.  He is either deaf or a liar or both! 

There is a site filled with posters like him called Audio Science Review.  If a reasonable person posts, they immediately tear him down, using selected words and/or sentences from the reasonable poster as100% proof that the audiophile is dumb and stupid with his money. They also occasionally state that the high end audio equipment/cable/tweak sellers are criminals who commit fraud on the public.  They often state that if something scientifically measures better, then it sounds better.   They give no credence to unmeasurable sound factors like PRAT and Ambiance.   Some of the posters music choices range from rap to hip hop and anything pop oriented created in the past from 1995.  

Have any of audiogon (or any other reasonable audio forum site) posters encountered this horrible group of miscreants?  

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@amir_asr , +1, I think you have been more respectful in your latest posts on this site.

I completely agree with you and appreciate that you added the emphasis:

That aside, I am NOT a scientist.

Feel free to post in some other threads here as many of us can’t even start these threads on ASR, they might be considered controversial or even heresy.

I have no control of anyone.

You control everyone at ASR and we have a consensus of members here who feel you heavily censor your site and bannish contributors on a whim.

You are obsessed with stuff that makes no audible difference.

So are you, you measure and comment on stuff that makes no audible difference all the time.



As for "outlandish claims," it’s hard top your claim that you’ve "reviewed" components that you haven’t ever heard. You may be the only "reviewer" with that level of confidence. Truly odd.

Amir will measure the actual signal output when testing things like cables, and show that they either do not change the signal at all, or that the changes are so extraordinarily low they are well in to the realm we need instruments like a Precision Analyzer to detect them. Remember: instruments are typically devised to extend our limited senses, to reliably detect what we can not detect using our senses alone.

And yet audiophiles will still claim to hear sonic differences with such products, and simply dismiss this evidence. This is akin to dismissing the scientific evidence for the limits of human hearing and claiming "I don’t care what the objective data say, I can hear up to 30 kHz!" While also refusing to take an audiogram with a professional audiologist because "I reject the use of such blind tests to tell me the limits of my hearing."

And you want to talk about "outlandish claims?"

In many such cases...even though Amir actually will include listening tests...he doesn’t need to. Based on plenty of research in to the limits of human hearing, distortion levels, masking thresholds etc, he can say "This is inaudible" from the measurements. To say it IS audible is going against most of the science and engineering theory. So Amir is not making the outlandish or extraordinary claim, the audiophile who claims to hear differences is doing so. So IF you are going to reject the measurements and the inferences from those measurements, these audiophiles could step up and show, in tests where they aren’t peeking at the gear, they can actually reliably identify the differences they claim.

Unsurprisingly, this virtually never happens. But...they’ll just continue to throw darts at Amir and ASR, and continue to brag about having "more capable hearing" than poor Amir and the ASR crowd, without ever putting this to a test.

How convenient.



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Those who clamor most loudly for blind testing rarely undertake such evaluations themselves.

@cleeds , I have seen 3 people most loudly clamor for blind testing in this discussion. Amir, who stated he has done many many blind tests. Prof, who has done at least several blind tests, which he described in this thread, and me, who has also done blind tests, which I noted.  How do you think I reached this spot?  I used to believe I could hear differences until it was shown to me I could not. I also did medical research and lived blind testing.