What DAC can improve REGA Saturn?

I have a REGA Saturn and wonder if I can improve it with an external DAC
Richard, I've used Tara Labs and MIT recently in reviews on Dagogo.com. You can get some sense of difference in manufacturer's products from those reviews. The Magnan Digital Cable was very refined. However, you might find the MIT to give you more excitement with the Saturn as transport.
I agree with Fatelvis. Why not use the Saturn? It's like buying a Ferrari and wanting to put a Corvette engine in. The Corvette engine would kick a$$ too but why use it? The Saturn is widely recognized as a great CD player. You might as well upgrade to a Naim or Wadia otherwise I think you'd be glomming things up unnecessarily. regards, David
Thanks,Fatevis,and Wireless,for your input. I guess I'll stick with the Saturn as a stand alone. Funny thing is, I thought the Saturn would indeed make a good transport with its unique chipset. I acknowlege that a superb digital cable would be necessary to keep its clocking intact. I don't know, I thought a super DAC, maybe tubed, would improve upon Saturn's internal DAC. Also, I wanted a DAC for media-player/PC purposes.
Unique chipset...

I like Rega, I really do. But that "unique" chipset is a DVD player in disguise. "Initialising"... don't all DVD players do that? Same for the quiet scanning "feature". DVD players don't scan redbook well. And that cheap top-loading prong design is the same found in my 20 year old JVC CD "boombox" and my $10 Circuit City portable.

What's special about the Saturn is the sound. The rest is a bit hype and marketing redirection.
Thanks Fatelvis, for the education! Marketing combined with ignorance causes me to read too much into product reviews. Sell the Saturn for value and use low cost universal/server with appropriate DAC for possible upgrade. Very valuable advise. Thanks