I would have to say my end game system is pure fantasy at this time, but it would consist of Linn Klimax DSM, gryphon Commander pre amp, Gryphon Mephesto Solos, Martin Logan Neolith speakers
What is Your End Game System?
How do you "measure" your end game system? Is it by budget, how much it cost? Is it by the luxuriousness of your build and room?
Is it by your components being either state of the art or unobtanium? Is it by the satisfaction you get when you are sitting in your listening chair?
What is your end game system and how do you know when you have reached it?
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- 104 posts total
@pvmike , I like it, might as well set the bar high right? |
I am almost at my endgame system. I have been into Hi-Fi speaker systems for about 4 years now. I started with headphones and went to the top of that summit before getting into speakers. I started with a pair of KEF LS50 and an Arcam A-38. They lasted about 1.5 years. Then it was on to Dynaudio Confidence C1 Platinums and a Hegel H360 with a Chord Hugo2 and M-Scaler. Changed out the Hugo for a Metrum Onyx and the system stayed like that for 6 months. I upgraded the Dynaudio to Magico S1MKII and the Dac moved on to the dCS Bartok. Added 2 JL Audio Fathom F110v2 subs. I though that was it this is my endgame. Fast forward about 18 months. I was looking at new speakers and ended up with the Rockport Atria II. Now I needed to upgrade the amp. I got into a pair of Octave MRE220 monos used. They were going eat amps but did not have the super black boxes and the output impedance was higher and caused some chaos with the mods paired with the Atria. Luckily they were used so I did not loose money on them and moved on to the Krell duo300xd. Now the rockports were coming into their own more bass and clarity. I am happy with the sound right?
My dealer friend then had been carrying MSB and I avoided a home trial but gave in. I ended up selling the dCS and getting a fully loaded MSB Discrete. At the same time I decided to sell the Krell and move on to the new Classe Delta separates. At this point I was done the system sounded great. I had a pre that was incredible for use with movie watching. It has built in peq and bass management. So now I focused on room treatments and I could be at the end. Last month I was at my friends shop. He had just gotten in Dan D’Agostino momentum gear. The HD pre and a pair of M400 monos. I was offer a deal that was too good to pass on. I auditioned them at home and needless to say they are now in my system and they are the endgame for pre and amps. I have no need to look at higher level amps as I don’t have the space of electrical system to support the relentless anyway. Plus my bank account is no where near large enough. I can stop here and be happy for now. I am sure I will upgrade my speakers and Dac in the future. |
@creditingkarma , thanks for posting your journey (so far :) I think most members here can relate that each time you move up on the adio ladder the next rung takes a combination of budget and experience. A journey that takes some people decades you seemed to accomplish in a sprint. If someone were just starting out what would you share you would do differently if you knew then what you know now? Personally, I focused on components first, IC;s second, power conditioning/cords third, room correction software fourth, and room treatments last. If I were starting over I would do the room treatments first. I got the process to really dial in the room watching a video by Anthony Grimani and he was even nice enough to exchange e-mails to help implement.
- 104 posts total