Elevate Floorstanders to Ear Level?

My Totem Sttafs, when positioned directly on the floor, are below ear level for listening purposes. I've read that optimum results occur when the tweeter is level with the ear. Since these speakers are in my home office, and I generally sit in my desk chair, I'm wondering if there's any value to raising the speakers up one foot. That would bring the tweeter in line with ear level. Your comments and thoughts are appreciated.
"I've read that optimum results occur when the tweeter is level with the ear"

This is hardly true with every speaker, depends on the design and the xover. The last two speakers I have owned had the tweeter positioned several inches above ear level. There is no hard and fast rule on this one.

maybe you could try an adjustable office chair. I never liked the idea of tilting my speakers because I think it might affect the soundstage in funky ways and I've heard first hand that lowering or raising a speaker effects bass response. That mapleshades site made me laugh.
I had a pair of KEF Q90 speakers that were a bit too short to me. I put them up on 10" stands so that the UNI-Q tweeter would be at ear level with me. It was ok for a bit but then I found the music was off no matter if I toed them in or had them firing fwd. Thinking back this may be the tonal balance change that Rrog mentions above. When I took them off the stands and kept them below ear level but elevated them with wood blocks that I got from Home Goods everything was a lot better.

To me give the height adjustment a try but if the speaker maker decided the floorstander to be the height it is then I would not veer to far away from that.