Floorstanding speaker advice needed for long room

I’d appreciate some advice on getting floorstanding speakers that don’t need to be placed too far into a room.

I want to upgrade my bookcase speakers and sub for floorstanding speakers but am worried my room might be too small. It’s 12ft wide, 9ft ceiling and 21ft long (we knocked two rooms into one when we bought the house). Due to furniture layout etc. I have my speakers positioned facing the length of the room. They can be 6ft apart but only about 1/2 to 3/4 of a foot from the wall behind. At some point in the future we’ll move but for now I’d need speakers that sound good close to the wall and this distance apart. They would be driven by a Rega Aura.

I’ve read good things about Spendors and Dynaudio, would either of these be suitable in this kind of space? And if I go for floorspeakers, presumably I can retire the sub (Rel T7).  

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@side22olto: there are many possibilities for you to consider depending, of course, upon your amplification source, budget, room accoustics, etc. Rear ported designs need not necessarily be dismissed out of hand, as one reader suggested. All depends upon how the ports are tuned. Although best to be avoided, if possible, in my opinion, ports can be modulated, to some extent, with bungs. The Dynaudio speakers that I've spent serious seat-time with over the years have always impressed me with their detail and neutrality. As with any choice for a component, but more so with speakers and power source(s), you would do well to consider how well these components pair. I've recently spent serious seat-time with the Spendor A4. Although I liked what I heard of them, I felt they were seriously constrained or hampered by the 60 WATT NAD amp the salesperson had them paired with. In addition to the Dynaudio and Spendor that you've mentioned, I would encourage you to do some serious seat-time with Monitor Audio, Paradigm and Revel in scheduled and controlled listening sessions or auditions (i.e.  try to replicate or approximate you home conditions, including source components, as much as possible). Good luck!

@side22olto: P.S. As for the sub issue, hang onto it and see what your ears think after you've brought your new babies home and have fully broken them in. Depending upon what kinds of music you enjoy and a host of other factors, you may find it needs to remain in play.  Enjoy!  

Thanks again for all the advice (looks like there’s no “like” function so I can’t like the comments. It makes sense to hang on to the Rel and see how the new speakers sound so will definitely be doing that. I’m hoping whichever speakers I get will sound fine 20cm from the wall in this house and hopefully get more space in the next one. Will give my local dealer a call and try to set up some auditions. The only issue is having to make a fairly quick decision. If I can trial 3 or 4 different models in a row with the same amp as I have at home and the same 3 or 4 records it should be doable.