I seem to remember people here crowing about how ASR shut their thread down, while Agon wasn’t doing that.
How things change ;-)
Anyway, fleschler, I’m sorry but I’m going to be blunt: It’s clear that your previous comments about the quality of the standard Benchmark gear were totally and utterly ill-informed. You haven't produced one single bit of evidence for your claims about the "junk parts" or any evidence you know what you are talking about.
I’m being blunt because frankly I find it quite galling when truly esteemed and accomplished engineers (and engineering) is sh*t upon by audiophiles who don’t have any real knowledge, going on their pseudo-scientific intuitions.
It reminds me of the moon-landing deniers. On one hand it’s harmless stuff, the fantasies of people who combine ignorance with hubris. But it’s not *just* harmless - by denying the moon landing they are sh*tting on one of humankind’s greatest achievements, and spreading the idea it was fake.
Similarly, seeing a similar combination of ignorance and hubris ("I know more because My Golden Ears are better than anyone’s engineering experience!") spreading ideas like Benchmark’s products underperforming due to "poor implementation of parts." It’s just ridiculous, and I can’t pretend for a second to respect it.