Dude. It’s not a claim. It’s sharing own experiences. What part of “sharing experience “ don’t you understand. Claim? You guys crack me up. And “counter claim”? 😂🤦♂️🙄
I understand how human language and the implication of what we say and write and human psychology actually works.
Almost all the things audiophiles report, which you couch as "sharing experience," constitute truth claims. That very fact explains the acrimony in these threads!
So if an audiophile here says "I swapped out my stock power cable for a Shunyatta cable and it TOTALLY upgraded the sound of my system, it made the bass tighter, the sound cleaner etc"...that is something they believe to be true and thus are stating as true. It is a truth claim in that respect. Right?
That’s why, if some objectivist suggests "might you have IMAGINED it changed the sound?" the response tends to be an insulted "No! It’s not my imagination. It really works! It really DID upgrade the sound!" They think it's true and defending their claim as true! These threads have been strewn with just these type of claims!
So, as I said, you may say your personal motivation is "not to make any claim" but in fact, even you are likely doing so in what you write, and it is certainly the case most others are doing so.
It DOES NOT mean every audiophile’s report on their experience needs to be or ought to be challenged. Not at all. That would get utterly tedious if it were for every statement we ever make. By all means, share experiences.
But is it fair to debate certain controversial subjects now and again?
Of course. Especially because SOME threads openly invite these type of discussions, such as the previous ASR thread and this one.
And why do you try to mask where you stand on the Great Debate. Can’t you just be honest? Why the fuss. There is nothing wrong with you being a measurementalist
^^^ This is you showing that you don’t really care about understanding my position. Far from "masking’ I was explaining my position as clearly as possible, so you could see why I’ve been a long time member here as well as at ASR. How many references do you see to measurements in, for instance, my long "Contemplating Devores" thread where I discuss tons of speakers?
You are still dogmatically trying to fit a nuanced position in to a box of your choosing. I get that from certain inflexible thinkers at ASR as well. It’s tedious, so I bid you adieu.