Comparison Cary 306, Wadia 581, EMM Labs CDSA

Hi all,

it's time to get a new (used) CD / SACD player and I reduced the possibilities to the following 3 candidates:
Cary SACD 306 (PRO)
Wadia 581 (SE)
(Volume control and/or digital inputs NOT a requirement but SACD playback a MUST)
Had anyone the possibility to compare these players? I think they are (used) in more or less the same price range and I've not the possibility to listen to all of them so I am really curious and can't wait to hear your opinions.
Listen a lot to (female) voices (Jazz, Rock, Singer/Songwriter), Classic and also Rock and Electronic.

Thanks a lot
Rhyno, I know you didn't re-read the entire thread this quickly. Please do. S L O W L Y. And, as many times as you need. I am alone on this issue? Please. I told you where you might obtain serials. Scared? Of the truth? Didn't happen to see the last auction of a CDSA did you? ZERO bidders. With an opener at dealer... Still think I am the only one with knowledge you are without? I'm willing to bet that happens alot. Read, don't write. Listen, don't talk. Then read some more. There is a reason you have two eyes and two ears, yet only one mouth... Try to have more coming in than going out, and eventually something worthwhile will come out! Please get back to me after you have actually read this thread. I will help you with any of the big words. I promise. Z
I have received my Accuphase DP-700 and it has outperformed my previos player, a Cary 306 SACD (not the latest Pro version), so it is almost embarrassing... The DP-700 cost twice as much, but I think it is worth it. It is much better than the Cary. The Cary is also very resolved, but with the Accuphase the music is now flowing. The word that comes to mind to best describe the DP-700 is "organic".
Thanks for checking back in, Cappucino. Is your Accuphase burnt in yet? It might get even better with time.

I have a Cary 306. I am really happy with it but I have been itching to see what else is out there. I know the Accuphase tone is beautiful, but my last experience with Accuphase led me to wonder whether the dynamics and PRaT are quite up to the competition. What do you think of this?
my Accuphase DP-700 is quite new and not burned in yet. Out of the box it is sounding amazing so I don't know what it really is capable of yet. But I wouldn't worry about dynamics and PRaT for this player. It seems to be there, nothing less than the Cary player, but only much more refined and musical.

I have recently ordered the latest Burmester 069 reference player, so I guess over time I will use the DP-700 for SACD only.
Wow, this thread is like the democratic debates. Both throwing bombs at one another while the rest of us watch in amusement.