Phone preamp question

Guys, can I take a phono preamp (Bellari vp130 mk2) which has a gain control and plug it directly into an amp (Odyssey Audio Stratos) using the gain control as a volume control or do I need a preamp? If I need a preamp, will a non powered passive one do anything? Thanks!


Welp, SMPS are generally capable of producing more objectionable (irritating) noise than the 120Hz-ish ripple from a rectified 60Hz mains supply, but the economics and physical scale are in the favour of SMPS. Having said that, the manufacturing quality and sourcing of most SMPS wall warts and many SMPS modules is sketchy at best. 

@corelli ,

Thank you also for that tidbit about powering it up before the amp.


Ughhh! There is no such thing as a "passive preamp". The two words are mutually exclusive,

Sorry @sleepwalker65 , going to have to disagree with you on that one!

Thanks, yogi!

Yes, I believe that’s about as close as it gets to the 7316...

That price is mighty steep for a single tube.