I'm not "teaming up" with anyone.
I am scratching my head… why don’t you participate in forums with like minded people with the same beliefs and ideology like ASR?
I do. I've been a member quite a while at ASR.
However, I find the direction of interest in gear too constrained for me at ASR, and I enjoy discussing the subjective aspects of they hobby - exchanging notes on what things sound like etc. That doesn't go down so well over there. (I mentioned that in the other ASR thread).
For instance if you look at my long running (and quite popular) thread on Agon in which I report my impressions of lots of speakers, that would go down mostly with a thud at ASR, because it's all subjective. No data.
So ASR satisfies one aspect of my approach, places like Agon satisfy another.
Great answer.
ASR is indeed a specialist site with many knowledgeable posters.
A bit like the Steve Hoffman Music Forum it also seems to antagonise a few people who find some folks on there a bit standoffish or even plain rude.
Anyway, it's far better I believe to view such forums for what they are, a source of valuable information for interested parties. Such people often do not suffer fools gladly in my opinion, and there's little reason why they should.
As for the Audiogon forum, it was only after reading a post by yourself on instrument timbre and texture that I decided to join. I hadn't encountered anything written by any reviewer like the descriptions of tonal colours you wrote here.
Whilst we also have a fair share of rude people here, I would in no way like to imply that they are experts in anything else. However, as in life, sometimes we must learn to take the rough with the smooth.
Oh the fun we all used to have exchanging witty repartee with geoffkait...