Well late to discussion but I am also 76 and have hearing aids, but still like to hear music and its nuances. Not sure what you meant about forget laptops and not sure your internet situation, but my simple system is a laptop connected to my Rotel A12 playing thru my Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods. I use Amazon for streaming, already a Prime member so HD streaming is $99 for year. Rotel has internal Wolfson DAC which I find more than adequate. So investment in laptop ($300), Rotel ($550) and speakers (used$4oo if you can find them). for a total of $1250. The Rotel has a remote which surprisingly works with my laptop so I can adjust tone controls (I boost bass and treble due to my hearing loss) and can skip, pause, etc. Love streaming as I can choose an album I feel like listening to and music will just stay all day on this genre with no effort on my part.
Just another option.