LaScala dac with telefunken tubes

I was browsing the discussions the other evening and I came across a gentleman raving about this dac. I would like to here more about this dac? You don’t see many on market place ,and what do they cost ,Used? Thanks

Ag insider logo xs@2xjred57

You can possibly get this amazing DAC under $5K on used market. I heard many raving about this DAC with NOS tubes like Telefunken ECC801. If you end up getting this DAC, reach out to Brent Jessie for high quality tubes. 

Thank you lalitk,I know someone who has a demo unit with these tubes,I am going to audition,but I think it’s closer to 6k they are over 9k new ,thanks again



I have the La Scala set up as Lalit describes- it’s a really nice DAC. The presentation is very revealing and is especially nice with instrumental recordings. What DAC are you currently using?