Put the multimeter down and try listening with your ears. You might be amazed at what you discover.
This is what irks me immensely. Why on earth do you weaponize one of the main things we have in common? The enjoyment of music? Do you really think we don't listen to music? That we don't use our "ears?" Why build cheap/false talking points like this? If you have a logical, technical argument, make it. But for heaven's sake, don't resort to cheap shots like this.
That aside, half of my reviews involve listening tests. That is about 150 reviews a year which dwarfs any other reviewers out there. And of course any audiophile. So don't tell me to listen. I do and I know the limitations of that task for evaluating audio gear.
And we all experience what you do: the falsity of changes that are not real. I have done AB tests of the cables sighted just like you do and reported those outcomes in reviews. They are worthless and I indicate it as such. And I note often how the cheap generic cable "sounded better."
So please, in this informed discussion, leave aside lines like this.