Dedicated circuits

I just completed installing 2 dedicated circuits. After reading several threads here, I went with 30 amp breakers with 10 AWG wire with high end receptacles. One circuit for the amp and the other for everything else. I’m blown away by the difference. Tighter bass, not as bright, better imaging and soundstage. Should have done this long ago. 


PS - I have a modest 120W/channel integrated amplifier on a Furman AVR which lets me monitor line voltage AND see instantly if the taps are switching to compensate, as @dpop imagined amps do (they don't, but an AVR does!) .  I echo the sentiments that while the inrush current can cause significant sag, during actual playback actual current needs are small and I rarely see more than 2 V of AC line voltage fluctuations, even with the TV and Home Theater receiver feeding off the same line too.


If a train leaves New York travelling at 60 MPH, and a Hot Air Balloon can accend at a rate of 5 feet per second when the ambient air temp is 78.3 degrees, can I still hear any difference between a 12 gauge 15 amp line and a 10 gauge 20 amp line, when playing side two of Zappa’s Burnt Weeney Sandwich LP?

Depends on if you’re sitting in the sweet spot or not, when the last time you cleaned your stylus was, and if you're listening to the Japanese pressing or not. 😎

Thankfully I can also have a sense of humor about this stuff.

Current doesn't always go up when voltage goes down, it's a little more complicated than that.

Current doesn’t always go up when voltage goes down, it’s a little more complicated than that.

I agree with your statement, and my explanation of it probably wasn’t as specific as it could have been, but I didn’t want to get too crazy with theories, formulas and examples. Anyone is free to supply some if they wish.


Current doesn’t always go up when voltage goes down, it’s a little more complicated than that.

That is true. For AC induction type motors if voltage goes down due to Line voltage drop, current go up.

Not so for audio equipment power transformers. If voltage drops so can/does current as well as wattage, (VA)... In the case of a power amplifier lower wattage, lower power...
