Any Moon 600V2 owners?

Hi. I don't   find many Moon 600V2 owners in forums.

Wondering your experience with the Moon line?

How in compares to Luxman, Hegel etc.

What speakers area good match?

Appreciate your inputs.



I have the Moon 600i (first version, not the V2) in a second system.  It's very clean and neutral, has a nice black background and enough power and dynamics for most speakers.  I have mine paired with Harbeth P3ESR.

I have no experience with Luxman or Hegel, but have compared it to a number of other integrateds including Vincent SV237, Peachtree Nova 500, Peachtree X1 Grand, and Heed Audio Elixir.  The Peachtrees don't have as much detail or dynamics and the Vincent and Heed had some "grain" that the 600i doesn't. 

I also have the Simaudio 430HA headphone amp which has a similar sound signature.  The Simaudio gear that I've owned doesn't really have much of a "signature", it's very neutral.

If for some reason I had to sell off most of my gear and could only have a smallish inexpensive system, the 600i is what I would keep and build around. 

Thanks Greg neutral is a very important quality.

Appreciate your inputs.

This gear don't show on used market frequently.

Wondering if owners keep them forever?




Are you still enjoying Luxman and Sony ES spinners?


Happy Listening!

Yes. Own a V2 and the 680D Dac. 

Very neutral and is a wonderful integrated. 

Prefer tubes, 600i v2 is in my system in our game room. Have QLN  Prestige 3 to complete the system. 

I also found the phono Moon 610 to be exceptional.

Wondering why no more reviews.

Moon gear really surprised me.

Certainly for the music lovers regardless speakers.

I tried Harbeth 5XD and Mágico A1 both with great results.

Thank you