LaScala dac with telefunken tubes

I was browsing the discussions the other evening and I came across a gentleman raving about this dac. I would like to here more about this dac? You don’t see many on market place ,and what do they cost ,Used? Thanks

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I have this DAC…. I have also tube rolled and am running the Telle ECC801s at this time. You actually only need one tube. Installed it in the right for XLR and Left for single ended. Sounds fantastic. Best DAC I’ve ever had in my system. Just keep in mind it will show any deficiencies in your system. Across the board it’s a fantastic DAC..

 I'd acquired a pair of premium Mullard 12AT7, he replied that "I like Mullard. And it is interesting to try a different set on the La Scala MkII if that is your intention. But, to speak frankly, I am not fanatic about tubes nor about solid state.