Tube Amp for Devore O/96

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with the Jadis  DA50S amplifier or the Conrad Johnson 62SE or 120SE, or have thoughts on these two amplifier manufacturers generally. I'm wondering particularly how these amps compare and if any of them would be an especially good match for Devore Fidelity O/96 speakers as I move from solid state to tube.


@flipturn That speaker is easy to drive so you have a wide range of amps to choose from. Its not efficient enough (unless you have a small room) for SETs (which should not be run past about 20% of full power in order to avoid excess distortion) unless you have a really powerful one. The problem with those is they audibly lack bandwidth.

If you are set on tubes look for a triode amp that is push-pull. That will get you the power you need; triodes have linearity that pentodes and tetrodes don't. They allow the designer to build a smoother and more detailed sounding amp due to lower distortion.

The Jadis was a KT150 but why would anyone use 88, 150 etc when 2a3 push pull out 300b work? Try some EL84 push pull or a 845 or 211

@atmasphere Thanks so much! I'm pretty sure I'm set on tubes for the O/96s. According to Devore, the speaker was specifically designed for low-powered tube amplifiers, so tubes seem to me the best approach to get the most out of my system with these speakers. I'm fairly new to this hobby so I'm still figuring things out, but are there reasons to consider solid-state over tubes for these speakers? Also, do you have any particular triode amps that are push-pull you'd recommend?


@carlsbad Thanks! I forgot to add that my listening room is a very large open space,; with high ceilings and no walls, so I will need a decent bit of power. With that in mind, would the Jadis still be more amp than I need for my efficient speakers?