You have some very compelling choices and have received some strong suggestions. There is no dog in this group of amplifiers. The Conrad Johnson is an example of the traditional/popular class AB ultra linear push pull circuit using indirectly Pentode output tube with solid state rectification.
The Jadis is pure class A push pull using pentode tubes . Jadis has a reputation for utilizing exceptional quality output transformers. I think the 30 watt power rating is conservative given two KT 120 per channel. Jadis has the knack for consistently beautiful music reproduction.
New Audio Frontiers (NAF) is a very well regarded Italian audio manufacturer. They have a reputation for very high quality transformers wound in house. Given your large listening room they offer two potential pathways with them. 211 or 845 SET (DHT) and they are tube rectified. Or as mentioned previously the 2A3 or 300b (DHT push pull ). I do not doubt @bonzo75 reported listening impressions.
No doubt that there are other very viable amplifier options with the Devore Orangutan 96. I just happen to believe that Jadis or certainty the NAF amplifiers would sound particularly special paired with the O 96 speakers.