Tube Amp for Devore O/96

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with the Jadis  DA50S amplifier or the Conrad Johnson 62SE or 120SE, or have thoughts on these two amplifier manufacturers generally. I'm wondering particularly how these amps compare and if any of them would be an especially good match for Devore Fidelity O/96 speakers as I move from solid state to tube.

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I do believe that DHT (Directly heated triode) is technically speaking a more “linear” tube than the pentode tube. However I do agree that the Orangutan-96 can sound fantastic with a good pentode tube amplifier. Thus my strong endorsement of the Jadis KT 120 integrated amplifier as an alternative to the NAF DHT models.

No question in my mind that the CJ,VTL or ARC etc pentode amplifiers are terrific options as well. Obviously I believe that we all appreciate it hinges on the implementation.

Beyond that, it depends on what one is seeking sonically. I have an attraction to good DHT amplifiers. However, no doubt much musical success is obtainable with indirectly heated pentode/tetrodes tubes driving the Devore O-96. As I said earlier, the OP has numerous really good choices available.



Thanks so much! This is all very helpful information. I feel like I'm getting a crash course in tube amps although some material remains well beyond my purview at this point. I have some research to do I suppose as I don't know Class A from Class AB or what a pentode is. I feel like I'm slightly confused in the back of my Physics class again but I'll figure it out.

One question I have is, I've seen the term "linear" used in this thread and on various stereo review websites, but I'm not sure I know what it means exactly. Does that mean that the sound is more focused and direct and not as wide and broad? That's what I think I can gather from context but could be way off. 


Thank you for the very thorough response! I'm really drawn to your Jadis description of "consistently beautiful musical production." I've read that elsewhere about their amps, too, and ultimately that is my end goal above all else - to simply enjoy beautiful music. 

I’ve had two friends achieve great results with their O/96 using Jadis JA30MKII. I’m fairly certain optimal results were achieved with the internal straps set for high impedance delivery.