Harbeth P3ESR - What electronics are you using?

I'm curious as to what source, pre and amp (or integrated) you are using with these speakers?

Also, are you aspiring to move to something different? If so, why?

Just for fun...what color are your P3ESR's?
Banyon, what was it about the sound that didn't impress you? Or did you feel that it wasn't a large enough improvement over your P3s to justify the additional cost?
using with Prima Luna Prologue with el34s. great speaker with jazz , female vocals...but i also listen to alot of rock and thats a weakness. As good as they are i am getting the itch to move on. In a perfect world.... would love the 30.1s but out of my prce range
I'm listening to a pair now with a Pass Aleph 5. Sounds pretty dang good to me. Haven't tried anything else yet. Probably going ARC next, maybe a VT100 or VS55. Using it with a passive LDR volume control (no preamp) since I'm vinyl only.