As Stated within this Thread, I have no desire to return to a Mass Plinth Material as my regular used Plinth for the TT of choice.
It has been made known within this thread from the time (which is 20+ Years ago) that I chose Granite as a Plinth Material; I had been demonstrated around this time both Granite and Slate as a Plinth Material with a same TT model mounted.
Granite was preferred over Slate and that was the route I went down, I even made it known that the personalities demonstrating Granite, might also have been a factor in my decision being made. (It is all too distant and not able to be accurately recollected, the only realness is, I chose a Granite Plinth for a Garrard 401, and shortly after had a SME IV purchased to use with it, and possibly a High Output MC ??).
As stated within this Thread, I have a very heavy Slab of Slate, enough for Plinths for Two TT's or a Multi Arm Design, I have no desire to have a Mass Plinth in use for my chosen TT any longer, so this as an option is buried.
As stated within the Thread I own a Mass Plinth, being Corian, but the TT it is used with is superseded and is used for demonstration purposes only of an Idler Drive TT.
Along with the above I have also heard a few produced Polybentonite Resin structures formed to function as a Plinth Design on a few different TT's, this is a Mass Plinth and measures favourably to Panzerholz for Damping but dissipates quite differently. The Polybentonite Resin Plinths are similar to recollections of other Mass Materials used for a Plinth. To my sensitivities I detect a colouration present not dissimilar to a Cabinet Speaker Colouration, for myself this has become quite unattractive when detected, to the point of feeling something present is overbearing.
Panzerholz as a Plinth material is not an idea that comes from myself, I was introduced to it, and was impressed, on follow up encounters that impression grew, as my recognising the attractive properties on offer during a replay were being proportionally attributed to the P'holz. An extended period of experiencing it and having seen others 'deny it' and then 'adopt it' has affirmed to myself, there is a New Plinth Material I am needing to introduce.
For me it is the airiness and unconstrained flow, the ease the presentation takes on, and the clarity that is very attractive perceptions to be encountered.
As stated within this Thread, I have a Plinth produced from P'holz, that is out on loan to those who owning a TT that suits the design and can mount their TT on to it.
If their Tonearm of choice is not able to be mounted the offer is available to assist with enabling the individual expressing an interest to hear their TT in a P'holz plinth.
There is not a penny for myself to make from such an offer, it is just an extension of the social activities I engage in with HiFi and other enthusiasts, either known or not known to myself. This is something I would not consider for any other Plinth Material, but for some reason the P'holz material is seemingly worthy.
The only reason I can see, why Plinth Materials are presented as a subject within this Thread, is because a design for Two Tonearms might require a New Plinth to be produced, so an individual contemplating this is to be aware of the options on materials. Indirectly a user of a Typical TT > Tonearm set up, might become curious as to how different materials as a support for a TT > Tonearm might impact on their set up. Plenty of us are from that background, so no need to discourage it.