Cost effective power cables recommendations, low and high power

I recently watched a number of informative videos about AC cables for our systems. One by the Dutchman Hans Beekhuysen (sp?) was really very good and explained why they matter, even with so many miles of cheapo cable bringing power into our homes, it seems to be all about reducing and rejecting stray interference from a lot of juice passing through the cables to our componenets, and the effect this might have on nearby interconnects and so on.

So I thought I would ask for recommendations from users here on what power cables you use for amplifiers (higher power consumption) and other components like digital stuff or preamps and so on, what are you happy with and that seems to make a difference big or small.

I am not about to spend thousands (or even many hundreds) for power cables, so hopefully something in what we mere mortals who work hard to earn our money can typically afford. Well shielded, properly twisted and insulated cable that does the job well, without typical marketing bull or obscene prices and markups please!


Agree with @hilde45. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, the Pangea cords are well made and make a positive sonic improvement, but as he said, they're not the most flexible. Of course, that's true of many cords. 

What is your equipment? Amplifiers are particularly sensitive to upgraded PC. Depending on the components you have, there may be an optimal brand and cost level to realize the maximum potential of your equipment.

In the case of all wires in high fidelity systems what they sound like will depend on your system. So in one system X brand sounds great in another X brand does not sound good.

Also, and for the life of me, I do not know why… but the character of an interconnect tends to be the same as the character of a power cord. Why they would sound similar is completely beyond me. This is just a casual observation by me. Perhaps others have different experiences.

A company that sells reasonably priced, well made 10 awg power cables for amps is ice age audio in Michigan.  They use copper terminals (better conductor than brass) and you can get plain copper or silver plated. Very reasonalbe pricing.  No snake oil.  Jerry

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Upgraded Power cables mattered in my system. The upgrade in audio performance slam and dynamics was immediate .

CARDAS CLEAR: integrated amp

CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION: upstream digital source electronics


NOTE: stand-alone discrete power lines from the panel to the outlets (with upgraded outlet plugs) . If this necessary first power loom upgrade was missing, I probably wouldn’t invest as much in just the last sections alone.