Integrated for Streaming

I’m looking to upgrade my digital streaming system in my living room. I currently have a Yamaha A-S2100 integrated. The As2100 sounds very nice, but maybe lacking some depth. It really looks great as a centerpiece . I like the classic silver look with the VU meters. A new integrated would have to be a kind of a center piece as well, with any other gear stored out of site.

I’m using a Bluesound Vault2 into a Schitt Yggdrasil, both are 5+ years and no upgrades.. Toslink between the Vault and Yiggi, Balanced from Yiggi to AS2100, simple #10 stranded X 6’ speaker cables. The speakers are Sonus Faber Electa Amator III, and they are staying in the system.

I am just looking to stream with this system, no CD or phono. I use Roon, Tidal, Spotify. I don’t need MQA. But I need a remote, and a good app (Roon). And, I want fill my room with the best sound I can.

One thought is to keep the Bluesound and Yiggi and upgrade to a better integrated, used Luxman L509X, Accuphase, a used VAC Sigma could drive the Sonus Fabers with 85 watts. Most other tube integrated amps may not have enough watts to do the job (Decware, Shindo..) Gryphon 120, Mola Kula, Constellation 1.0 would be nice, but too pricey, even used. I have had Pass, Rogue and Parasound, all very good, but looking for something different.

The other thought is to go with an all in one component like the Ayre EX8, Naim Unity Atom, or Cambridge Audio Evo 150. I like the idea of one component doing everything, less cables and clutter, and less expensive than the above options. But can these Class D integrated amps sound "amazing" ?




@curiousjim selling off some gear, I could be around $7K. Although that may be a stretch for a used Luxman L-509X. If I could drastically improve on the current combo, $5K would be nice. So, $4k - $7K 

If you can swing the 509X that would be wonderful, but you’re still going to need a streamer. So I have about 2500 CD’s either on a shelf or on a NAS and I just bought my first streamer this year ( a Node N130 ) to see what everyone was talking about. I quickly became hooked and upgraded both my connection and the power supply on the Node and am not sure I’m going to change my streamer for a good while as it also sees my Nas, so I can seamlessly listen to all the tunes I have on there. I’m very pleased with the sound. I am still going to try all of the services Qobuz Tidal Amazon etc. 

I’d suggest getting an open box Node ( I paid $500 instead of $600 ) start there. It has a DAC that a lot of people like and you already know the software. As time past, I did buy a separate DAC, but it also made a difference on my CD’s.