@sksos I am really liking your assessment of the MSL Gold Signature, it is a Cart' that is creeping through the undergrowth of various threads, with many who are willing to stand up and declare 'I am impressed'.
Where does your report stand out and get my attention, the TT in use is one I have looked at with growing interest and one that I am impressed with. The design intent for the build, is somewhere that I lean toward when considering a TT or Modification to a TT. Another Item of interest that has caught my attention, is that the Head Designer of Micro Seiki and the Founder of Tech Das Hideaki Nishikawa has been impressed by the Kuzma Designs, maybe only for an import to Japan reason, as Mr Nishikawa is also a CEO of a High-End Equipment Import Company. If the Kuzma can draw him in when visiting the Trade Shows in Europe, why shouldn't it draw me in as a distant observer.
The report catching my attention does not stop there, you use an all Valve Phonostage, of which I have a Bespoke Built Valve Input / Valve Output design, which is my keeper Phon', I can't foresee myself separating from it.
It seems you have experienced over the past period, approx' £20 000ish of Cartridges across Three Models, and from the Three the MSL Gold Signature has been the one that is seemly worthwhile to make old bones with.
It is this type of report that adds value to my visits to Audiogon, Thank You for this contribution.
I am at some point going to get a listen to a MSL Cart' from this level of production. Using one's words used as an assessment is totally OK to form a shortlist, but to form an individual view on a Cartridge and to fully comprehend the impression it can make needs time made available to be in front of it.