CD player suggestions...

I'm in the market for a new CD player in the $600  - $800 range. Suggestions?


I recently purchased the Rotel cd11 Tribute player.  It sounded ok but nothing special, that is until I swapped out the supplied 18 gauge power cord for another generic 14 gauge cord.  I’ve not experienced any component that was so completely improved in every sonic measure by simply changing the power cord.

If you own a cd11, I recommend replacing the power cord.  At some point in the future I may try an aftermarket cord but for now I’m pleased with the results.

A 18ga. PC is rediculous. Most any decent PC of larger guage would make an improvement. Given the cost differential between generic 18 vs 14 guage PCs I always wonder why manufactures of even budget components wuold ship with a 18 ga one.  I have seen it even with integrated amplifiers.



Good advice and nice choices as above.  Keep me posted on which Player purchased.


Happy Listening!

Haven't made my decision yet. I appreciate the suggestions. Top three choices, so far, are the Audiolab cd transport, the Emotiva 4, and thecambridge Audio transport...