Estate sale Fuselier speakers for $370 but I know nothing about them.

So I found these four Fuselier speakers for $370 at an estate sale. They look amazing and from everything I've seen around this forum the creator seemed to know what he was doing.  But I'm just getting into this hobby and I've come across these and I have no clue as to whether they are any good or whether they even work. Any thoughts on how I should proceed or steps I should take? Or should I just buy them and hope for the best? 


Here is a photo of them: 


Thanks so much.  


 The woofers in the 3/3.3’s were Vifa. Tweeters were Audax. The midrange changed several times as the model evolved but the model 3 may have started as an Audax. The model 3.3 used a Peerless midrange.The final iteration, the model 5, used a Dynaudio midrange and was an excellent speaker. I started with the original model 3 and upgraded as John continued to make improvements. 

I bought my 3.3’s at Sound By Singer in NYC, not sure if they sold any other of John’s designs.

Hey all - thanks for the responses. As you know already, I did purchase them. I'm currently on the lookout for an amplifier/integrated amplifier to power them. Would anyone know any information such as the Power output, Power handling, RMS, Peak, Maximum output, maximum input power, etc so I know what amp is best to power them? Thanks. 


(also, I know they are likely not playable at the moment, but I am looking into fixing them either with a service or over time by myself. Thanks)

While I powered my 3.3’s with a solid state amplifier ( BEL 1001) I did hear them with an EL34 based tube amp and they sounded sublime, so you can also consider tubes. The LSA VT-70 is a new tube integrated amp which seems to be getting some great reviews particularly for its price/performance value and would likely work well with your Fuseliers.

Please provide your budget range as integrated amps, new & used can price out from $150.00 - $15,000.00.