To pricey

Hello was looking at a pair of B&W 804d or 803d but so expensive are they worth it.  ????


the monitor audio platinum 200 and 300 Gen 2 and gen 3 are much better than anything B&W makes, much more natural sounding and way more three-dimensional.

I auditioned the new D4 (803/804) powered by Classe Audio and I didn’t like either of them but it could be the amplifications and the speakers were merely broken-in  (I used to own N802 and love it!)

IMHO you may want to consider upgrading the NAD amp which should give you much better sounding than going from N804 to 804D4 

James633 - I agree. The only way to make any B&W that I have heard listenable for any length of time is when you pair them up with a warmer sounding Classe or McIntosh amp. I’m pretty sure that why B&W bought Classe.


"any other brands to consider"

B&W would not be in the top 10 of my list.

Dynaudio, Totem, Revel, Monitor Audio are all great in smaller spaces which is what I have and I tested these and were very happy with them. BBC ones - I have never heard must work well too. ​​​​​​