Prana Distribution

Prana Distribution LLC located in Cambridge, MA...

Have you heard about them ? Do you have any references ? (good / bad)

I'm asking because a recent deal with them hasn't gone very well... 


I will close this matter/thread for the moment... I'll give some additional time for Fred to sort HIS "issues" with me.

Well, that was interesting. Good luck to all parties. 

Question to @idler-21st  - surely the point of an idler drive is to provide as much torque as possible to give it that idler drive?

At the same time, the right amount of torque provided – i.e. the absolute minimum required at all times – is continually adjusted based on feedback from the current levels required by the motor.

Not as much torque as possible.

You want enough torque to keep the speed constant, regardless of load variations. However, having that, there’s no point in feeding more torque, it would only potentially create additional vibration or noise.

So, speed is monitored several hundreds of time / second, and when a speed deviation is found, more (or less) torque is applied.

It’s important to note that this kind of speed control is very different from the crude systems employed by manufacturers in the 80’s ("Quartz control" do you remember ?). Algorithms are now much more sophisticated (courtesy of the tremendous computing power available today), and they try to "approach" the correct speed smoothly, without over or under-shooting.


Well I would never buy a Semper Sonus.

Why would anyone want a turntable that whenever there is an issue the manufacturer goes on a public forum to cast aspersions - airing his dirty laundry in public so to speak.

Best to avoid issues like this - buy a different turntable - plenty out there without the aggro.

I also note that one member on this forum who purchased this turntable had multiple build quality issues and ultimately sent it back - 

All was well–the table sounded great (long REVIEW if you are interested). Except it wasn’t–there were a few lingering fit and finish issues which were not successfully resolved, all a byproduct of the pandemic and the harsh realities of global shipping, and they were bugging me. As an “early adopter” I anticipated a few bugs would need to be ironed out but despite lots of time, effort and good will on all sides, the problems remained. The TE-2 sounded great, but ultimately Paulo and I agreed that the table should go back to Portugal for replacement and upgrade of some key parts and then on to another client for further evaluation.

Well I didn't smell any dirty laundering. Where did you get that from?

I merely asked if anyone had past experience with Prana. Perfectly reasonable.