Transparent interconnect Cable, Super versus ultra

Anybody ever compare these two transparent interconnectS?

I was thinking of upgrading from super to ultra which is about twice the price. Being used to connect a preamplifier line stage to an amplifier.


Yes. As in all of audio, it depends on your equipment. Ultra is a significant improvement in my system over Super.

I have done two major system upgrades over the last 12 years. I got rid of the components causing excessive high frequency hash and too much treble allowing me to incorporate really transparent wires. So I dropped in older Transparent and some newer Super… then slowly swapped out for contemporary Ultra. Through conversations with my dealer And my experience. The contemporary Ultra are a very significant improvement over earlier generations and models.

I am very happy with my Ultra. My system is shown under my ID.



Yes, the Ultra is worth the upgrade. Go for it!


Happy Listening!


Notice you don’t use ultra in your home theater set up.

Thanks for info. If I bought ultra I would use a 10 foot length between a preamp, cj gat2 and macintosh 600 watt monos, amp is connected to b&w 802 d3’s with transparent Super CableS. Interested In Any thoughts on this?

You made interesting comments about you’re older components being too bright. Would Those components have been a good mix with ultra?