A/B Comparison On A Pair Of Moderately Priced Streamers

Based strictly on signal quality and what makes your ears happy ( I don't care about storage for sake of question).......Would anyone make the argument that an Innuos Zen mini is an upgrade over an N100?


I agree with the statement that the quality of your DAC is far more important than your streamer.  After all streamer just sends bits.

@drbay Due respect I couldn’t disagree more.  Streamers are instrumental to minimizing noise among other things — the arch enemy of good quality streaming.  You’ve got an awesome DAC, and if you think the Node is on the same plane as Lumin, Aurender, Innuos, Aries, etc. I think you’re sorely underestimating the role of a streamer.  I’d highly encourage you to try one of these better streamers in your system and see what you think, because IMHO you’re leaving a lot of performance on the table.  Just my $0.02 FWIW. 

This is so common an issue. One component is really critical until it at or above the rest of your system… then it is not. If you have a low quality DAC… then, upgrading makes a huge difference. Then, if you upgrade the streamer… OMG, what a difference. 

I do not want to take anything away from @soix. He is right. The streamer is critical, unless your DAC I’d the bottleneck.

I’ll just piggyback on @ghdprentice that in streaming, as with all or audio, the chain is only as strong as the weakest link.  But, my experience with streaming this is on steroids, perhaps because the signals are so minuscule and thus susceptible to intubations from noise, timing issues, etc. that it’s amplified 10-fold down the line.  Anyone who’s heard an Aurender N20 has been overwhelmed by its sonic benefits, so for you to say a Node is adequate with your awesome DAC, no — just no.  Again, try a better streamer that is much more befitting your DAC.  

I'll jump on the pigs back too.  Been there, done that. Get a good streamer and see what you've been missing.  

I had a very good experience upgrade a Bluesound Node 2i with the Fidelity Audio PSU replacement module and running the next-to-best FA LPS. It was a significant  and obvious  improvement in SQ. So when the NODE 130 came out I ordered it directly from FA with the PSU module and an added clock board (pretty affordable as you don’t pay VAT if you are in the US) and found that that unit was obviously better in SQ than my modified 2i. ( BTW, when discussing the value of Bluesound streamers, everyone needs to specify which one is being discussed, as almost everyone who has heard both thinks the NODE 130 sounds better than the 2i ). That being said, I recently added a Gustard X26 DAC which makes the whole thing sound better, but did end up tweaking that a bit more with a good USB cable. I think a modified NODE 130 is a very good streamer/DAC unit, and because of the friendliness of the interface, makes a very good streamer to use with with an external DAC. I think exclusive of power cords and the USB cable, my pimped 130 with LPSU was about $1500, with the Gustard X26 adding another $1600.

I know some may be skeptical, but when I was auditioning speakers in the showroom with a comparable amp/pre setup to what I have at home, using a $3000 streaming/DAC, and there was no let down when I played the new speakers at home with the pimped 130 (before I added the Gustard).