Hegel h300 or Krell S550i or Music Fidelity M6500i

Hegel h300 or Krell S550i or Music Fidelity M6500i, which one should I buy? no time for audition so will go for blind shot?
It really depends on a number of factors, for example what speakers are you using? Do you have a better dac then the one built into the Hegel.

Do you need the extra power of the Krell amplifier?

These are all good choices.
No experience with these integrated amps. You might help others help you by listing your speakers and the rest of the system. But, if you're buying one of these new, then with the Krell and MF you have the ability to hear them in your system and the ability to return if you don't achieve a good match and a pleasing sound. Good luck. System synergy is a slippery slope. Good luck.
First and foremost what speakers, room dimension, and music listened to. I've heard the Hegel...it really is great. I've not heard the Musical Fidelity but I've heard both of the smaller units. It is a best buy for power and good sound. I have not heard anything from Krell I would own as too antiseptic. It is clean, quiet and has balls, but is the least musical of the 3. Just my opinion. Hope it helps. Good luck.
Get the one with the most buttons and knobs or, conversely, the one with the least buttons and knobs. I think any new amp takes time to settle in (and you take time getting used to it) and unless you had all three for a long period of time you really can't predict the "fun factor," as that is too personal. Simply ignore the opinions of those who haven't heard the damn things and read the reviews...