Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp


I am preparing to do a coupling capacitor upgrade on a recently purchased tube integrated amp. The two 0.22uF on the preamp tubes are fairly straight forward. But I noticed another similar model 0.33uF cap on the large filter capacitor for the B+ supply that is installed across the hot lead to ground.

Does this cap on the B+ just block high frequency noise from the power supply or does it have any effect on the amp tone? Is there any reason to "upgrade" this cap?

I know it may be hard to tell exactly what is going on without a schematic.

Also any recommendations on a good cap to use in the upgrade of the coupling caps? I was looking at Mundorf SilverGoldOil for the quality at not too crazy a price. The amp already sounds good but lacks a little clarity that I think a coupling cap swap will help with. It is SET 300B amp.

Thank you!



whatever you do….run new parts in before passing judgement….

This is a very good point. I have been running the Kt-150 based Muzishare X10 for a few days now. Maybe still only 20-30 hours on it since delivery. But the soundstage is really opening up. Much more height and depth. Even though the amp did sound really good straight out of the box.

But for the Willsenton R300 I can see the coupling caps are of a cheaper kind so no problem swapping them without running the amp in more. Yes I will certainly run in the new caps for a while and report back on any improvement. I was able to source a set of the 3 needed Mundorf Supreme silver gold oil 1000VDC caps for only $100 total. But I am also going to order some of the other brands the folks here recommend to try them out and compare.


I don’t see the need to excuse rude and obnoxious behavior.

I was just joking around a bit to ease the tension.

But to be honest I do not take any comments personally. Unfortunately there is always some character lurking around a forum who is unhappy and wants to share that negativity with others. I see it more as a cry for help than a personal attack.

Mind you this forum thankfully is pretty good and positive. When I was on some guitar forums there were a lot of mean spirited people attacking each other. I do not bother with those places anymore.


Take pictures of every section you are working on before you start and after you finish

Very good advice. Especially when there is no schematic available!

But to be honest I do not take any comments personally. Unfortunately there is always some character lurking around a forum who is unhappy and wants to share that negativity with others. I see it more as a cry for help than a personal attack.

Good points and I see more clearly your perspective. You have received some very good insight on this thread. I look forward to your listening outcomes.



What I have found useful:

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the link. It was indeed very helpful.