Arcam CD23 worth saving?

Hi Guys, apologies if this has been asked before but wondered what your thoughts are on whether the CD23 is worth repairing... It's already had a genuine sony laser optic fitted but has now started making a grating noise half way through a cd so I'm a bit disillusioned with it now. I love the sound of it but things have moved on in the DAC world in the last 10 years so I'm not sure if it's worth shelling out again to get it fixed. It's currently on its' way to a high end audio shop in the UK for an estimate but I'm thinking perhaps it's time to just give up the ghost and buy a transport and DAC combo...


Ladder D/A converter are limited to about 18 bits because of components tolerance, while Delta-Sigma converters go only to about 20 bits, because of noise.  Ring D/A converter was developed by DCS and licensed to Arcam.
Instead of just one component at LSB it has bunch of them being switched at higher speed to achieving better average accuracy.  Unfortunately ARCAM had poor production yields and stopped making them (switching to Wolfson).  Original Arcam that had them was Alpha 9 that FMJ CD23 is based on.   I think it is unique and good sounding - worth of saving.

Thank you, that's a very note worthy reply. I did think it was a bit special... I'll see what the repair estimate comes back as and make a decision from there.

Can it be used as a DAC?  If it has a digital input and if it’s the DAC that makes the player special then try using it with another transport.

No it can't be used as a DAC unfortunately as it only has digital out otherwise I'd ignore the transport side of it. That was one of my first thoughts but it's just too old.

I had the ARCAM CD23T a dozen years ago in a prior system, so I know it’s strengths and warts very well.

Decision tree:

(1) IF YOU LIKE THE ARCAM bespoke signature sound , ( a fine but important distinction and thus first consideration ,,,,) then it is worth the repair cost, it was a great DAC for spinners of ITS era, ( emphasis added)

(2) Not insignificant current repair costs are not assurance of future proofing against continued new repair costs, This needs to be first assessed as a deterrent and high risk investment. Be aware that the laser unit replacement part may prove difficult in a 20+ year old spinner.

it was for this reason I upgraded 10 years ago to a REGA ISIS VALVE cdp/ DAC who has two matched serial number laser units reserved for each owner stored for you back at REGA. ( the ISIS is also a very big step up in performance comparatively)