Amps replacement

Hi All. I need help.At the present my system is composed of two mono Krell Evolution One with pre Krell Evolution 202, driving a pair of Dunlavy SCV (7 drivers, sensitivity 91dB). One of the amp does not work and nobody over here in France is able to repair this item (no spare parts available). So I intend to replace the amps by either the PsAudio BHK 250 ( the 300 are too expensive) or a pair of PsAudio Stellar 1200 (classD), or some Bryston ( 4 or 7B).  Any advice should be much appreciated .Thanks all .Cheers.

Andé León 


if you are in europe why not look at european manufacturers


t+a makes extraordinary  amps

electrocompaniets amps are really good

so are chord



Thanks for these answers . An audition of the Ps's is scheduled within a fortnight at home . About A+T they have only one retailer here , Eletrocompaniets are sold out at the present , and I really don't like Chord . Concerning  French gears they are not that much reliable . Awaiting more advices . Thanks.