@amir_asr Please do not bother the cable manufacturer. We don't care how much air is injected into your system (who knows what that is as @kota asks) or how long the burn in is (about 24 hours) for your system.
Well, @kota claimed the Audioquest Go-4 cable I was testing on ASR needing 200 hours of burn in:
"If you want performance you need to get NEW cables on loan from a DEALER who has a return policy. Then, after around 100 hours of brek in, go for it."
How do you reckon he figured out the 100 hour number for any test system but you can't? When you were experimenting with the cable you were building, did you wait 100 hours between every change to see the results? If not, where do you think he got these numbers?
As to air, I am very disappointed that you think your cables can't do that for me. What are the qualifications for systems which can accept such air from your cable? Are they listed on manufacturer website? Or is it a random thing and what you say about improvement may not be there at all as you are implying with my system?
And why is it a "bother" for manufacture to provide such specific data? You created a thread asking manufacturers to provide data to us as customers. Now you say we shouldn't bother them??? Are they in a privileged position with no competition as to us treating them special in this regard?
Really, you seem to be saying other cable companies should do this and that the one you are involved in, should be exempt?