Bi amping my ML SL3 speakers

Few questions for the ones that know the answers :)

If I’d like to bi-amp my speakers how do I know how much power should I send to the woofer and how much to the rest of the speaker ? (for mids and highs)

Currently I am using a Rotel 1582MKII and if I really crank the volume woofers start to distort so I’m thinking this amp is too much power ?

Info on ML site is misleading one place says 80-200 but I also saw 20-400 WPC so which one is it. My rotel amp is rated for 200WPC at 8 Ohms and no 4 ohm speakers are 4 Ohms rated

Also I am guessing that the amp dedicated for lows doesn’t have to be as high end as the one for the electrostatic panels ?


Last but not least I will need a pre amp that has two sets of pre outs so I can feed same signal into both amps correct ? I really don’t want to get RCA splitters because that defeats the purpose of having a nice set of RCA’s - this question has been resolved thanks to riley804. I will get some but amp cables :)


Lots of questions any answers or wisdom is much appreciated !


Interesting read I know I shouldn't have gone down that road this is not car audio where I use to ran active crossovers as opposed to the passive ones that came with my 6.5" component set all the time for precise control and SQ results. 

So to get back to what really you guys recommend I get one amp for the woofers and another maybe class A or tube amp for the mids and highs.


Speaker posts in back encourage that since there is a dedicated pair of inputs for woofers and another one for the panel ?

I usually go 4 times more power for the low end. Active crossover to get the most benefit. I also bypass the internal passive crossover. Yes tube or class A for high end.

You don't need a preamp with dual outputs.  You simply use a Y splitter off the pre, into two signal lines.  Not saying two amps is the right way to proced,  just addressing the dual output question. 

Thanks guys seems like aftercreading the article provided by Mike I should try bi wiring with my 1582MKII Rotel amp see if sound improves....