Snake oil of the year?

AQVOK Switch SE Audiophile High-End Network Switch Lan.  I think we are going to have some fun with this one, let it rip here.


Here is the product page.


On the advice of someone in a position to know I use a D-Link DGS105 with an ifi power wall wart  The advice was that this would give what "audiophile" devices at about $600 will give.  You can buy and try on Amazon.  Be sure to ground the switch--there is a grounding screw.

It made a noticeable improvement in my system for very little money.

While the dude in the YT video comes across as a very pretentious prick, he does IMO point out that this switch is a bunch of hooey. Seriously a glued on crystal makes it a "crystal oscillator"? That is hilarious. Folks couldn’t tell a difference in blind test listening either versus the D-Link the AQVOX is based on.  Most everything in the AQVOX is just glued on.  For ~800 Euro? Best to spend your money elsewhere where a difference could be made in your digital chain.

I don't know about this being "snake oil".

I've found that judiciously placed Illuminati Stickers do increase my performance.



$2,500 Ethernet Switch Effectively Isolates Audiophiles From Cash

Key quote on this switch effect metaphor:

”… However, the reviewer says, "This review is based on my subjective requirements, my subjective ears, my specific system configuration, and my specific listening room."

This means there are no actual measurements of sound quality, so you’ll need to take his observations with a grain of salt. ,,,”

…hmmm .,, more like exaggeration requiring a boatload full of salt….ergo … horse hooey.