Recommendations for HDMI cables specifically for audio quality

I want to replace the analogue cables from my OPPO Blu ray 203 to a Denon AVC X8500 with an HDMI cable and improve or equal the SQ. Suggestions would be welcome. I have checked previous posts and most of them are a few years old now and an update may be required Please and Thank you

The Mapleshade Vivlink v3 Plus will leave almost all competing HDMI cables in the dust for only $240 USD. Look up who the engineer was that designed it.

The only negative is the fragile construction, like all Mapleshade products (this is by design).

Its also improves HDMI video quality to a noticeable degree.

@agisthos The Vivilink looks interesting, but I’m surprised they only offer a 2m length.  It’s well know it’s best to keep HDMI cables as short as possible because the technology wasn’t designed for distance and the signal degrades quickly the longer the length. Maybe they’d be open to making a shorter cable?

@soix I agree and wished they did a 1m. I asked them multiple times about this and they insisted they will only do 2m.

But according to @auxinput he says to not get under 2m, and he seems to have done a lot of testing of these cables.

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