Solid state to tube

I have been a solid state guy since my start in this hobby. Over the years I have built a few systems and have used mainly older YBA seperates pre and power for my front end.

I also have a pair of musetex MT101 mono blocks from Meitner audio which I use as well.

My speakers are reference 3a lintegre

I am thinking of moving to a all tube system 

. However I have little experience

I have looked at Quick Silver and a small boutique builder called Will Vincent. Have not heard anything yet. I thought I might inquire here first for any suggestions from tube savvy members


I have a SET 45 amp built by Will Vincent in Idaho. He does excellent work! He offers custom builds of the Dynaco ST70 and the Baldwin 6L6 amps at good prices. 

If you can afford it the Dave Berning ZOTL amp is an easy SOTA recommendation.

I made the transition in steps… with a tubed preamp about 20 years ago, then shortly after a tubed phono stage… finally to a tube amp a few years ago. I hung back because of the supposed problems with tubes in amps. After some 4,000 hours with tube amps… the “problems” are grossly exaggerated. If I could go back, I would have made the transition much quicker. 

All my gear is tubed now. I would not consider going back.

I have a pair of reference 3a L integrale they are a 2 way floor standard I think they are 91db . I was going to use the tube mono blocks or st 70 clone with them

I also have a pair of Salk Sound SSM6 stand mounts but they are 86 db sensitivity so I probably will let those go my room size is 18 wide x 20 long with 7 foot ceiling thanks for all the responses. I think I may try a Will Vincent design. I talked with him he sounds like an old school guy with much passion and knowledge and his build quality looks great

My tube experience is mostly with vintage components - Marantz, Fisher, HH Scott, Mac. While I own substantially more SS pieces, I can’t get over how time and again my favorite combinations are tubes with horns. It’s true. Whether tube receiver or separates, the sound is amazing. How can a 60+ year old tube amp sound better than modern top of the line gear? I don’t know the answer, but it often does to my ears. I have a SET on order to see if they live up to the hype.