Settings for New Vivaldi Apex Dac

Would anyone mind sharing the most popular settings for the Vivaldi Dac Apex Upgrade? Any advice or experience with the settings would be helpful.

Thank you



I encourage you to post this question on what's best forum audio. You'll find owners of this and other upper tier priced components. There Will be help and suggestions without snarky or judgemental overtones. @willgolf and ​​​​​@mikelavigne  had similar issues here.


You may want to read Stereophile’s review of the Rossini Apex.   I think there is some guidance there.   As you may know,  the Rossini & the Vivaldi are similar.  In fact when I asked DCS about the differences they were not forthcoming.  So I am picking up a Rossini Apex tomorrow.

For you skeptics,  the DCS Ring DAC architecture is different.  You can read about it on their website. 

Hang in there,


I don’t own one but have heard that they take time to learn. I was told a story from one dealer about a buyer becoming impatient (didn’t want to fuss with it) at first and contacted them about moving onto something else. It seems to be a powerful tool-