Sony Playstation 1 for a CD player ???

I'm using a sony playstation 1 for a cd player and it is a REAL SHOCKER!! I heard about how good it was over on Is anyone else using these as cd players too?
i just bought one on ebay to try whilst my CDP is sent off for repairs. looking forward and will report back.

in the meantime, how do i upgrade the power cord? or i am stuck using the basic kettle cord?
Yep, I hate to admit it but it's for real.

Here are my impressions of it ...

Here's a highlight from my posting:

"I think if I were a digital designer, I'd use this thing as my benchmark. I mean if I can't design a mega-bucks player to sound better than a stupid Sony Playstation 1 then why bother?"

I was re-reading what I wrote and I love that line (patting self on back)
Boy_lah check the page where it appears several mods to these units. You can add an IEC to the external box if you like. If you won't bother to do so, just try a PS Audio Punch cord which uses the same C-7 adapter at one end or buy an IEC adapter (cryonic treated btw) for $17 which you connect to the PS1 and them use your prefered power cord with the IEC part of the adapter (

Greg7 we try my PS1 at two audio friends which I talked about this unit and both expectations were very low at first. After a few seconds and some tones, they were believers...It was fun too!!!
Jahaira - thanks for your tips. The cyro C-7 adapter sounds like a good idea. will look into that.

silly ebayer didn't send the unit until today so still waiting. can't wait! 8 )
Boy_lah .. I have read several post from different forums around the States about the PS1. Most of them are very harsh and flames the people who support and actualy talk about their personal experiences. Those same people who took there time letting their units warm for a few days and take care about vibrations and stands, etc. My own experience is, you need to be patient. For whatever reasons, these PS1 need time to sound its best. In no way it sounded like the first time, after a few days connected. I tried the unit on a friends system that included Artemis Pre, Stealth PLC, Jena/Sonoran cabling, Plinius Amp ($8K) and Spendor Speakers. My friend expected NOTHING from it and it took a few seconds to change his mind. Considering that he is an audio distributor and a long time audiophile, it was nice the way he was impressed with the PS1. A few friends reacted as well after an audio session with the Sony PS1. So, although some people said it was an aprils fool day kind of news ( the starting poit) I really like what the PS1 does. A friend just said: " It plays music and get out of the way, in a form that you don't pay attention to the system, but just the performance".. It's not perfect and it will not surpass a $6K unit for sure, but I can live with it happily...Enjoy!!